We all have unwanted fat pockets, but luckily Kybella is here to help! Best known for dissolving the double-chin, Kybella can also help eliminate excess fat around the underarms, back, bra strap, love handles, and abdomen! Bascially, anywhere you have pinchable fat. If you are like most of us and have been dealing with pesky fat pockets, ask us how Kybella can help.

How does Kybella work?
Kybella is a form of Mesotherapy, a treatment in which plant extracts, hormones, or vitamins are injected into the body to reduce or eliminate fat pockets. Kybella uses an enzyme found in the body known to burn away fat to produce energy. When injected, this enzyme gets to work and begins dissolving fat cells, eliminating them permanently and helping define your jaw, chin, arms, or silhouette.

What is Kybella?
Kybella is a form of Mesotherapy in which a synthetic enzyme called deoxycholic acid is injected into fatty pockets throughout the body. Deoxycholic acid is found in the body and breaks down fat to convert it to energy. When injected, this enzyme dissolves fat cells in specific areas.
Should I get Kybella?
If you are dealing with unwanted fat deposits on the body, like double chin, under-arm fat, etc, Kybella may be a solution for you!
When will I see the results after Kybella injections?
Kybella does take some time as the injected enzymes must work to actively dissolve fat cells. Results are usually seen around 4-6 weeks and optimal results can be achieved after 2-3 appointments (depending on the area of treatment).
How long will the results last?
Once Kybella injections dissolve the fat cells, they are gone for good! So results can be considered permanent.
How many treatments will I need?
How many treatments you need depends on the area of treatment and how your body reacts to the injections. Many patients receive 2-4 treatments but more may be recommended.
Is there any downtime or side effects?
There may be some swelling or inflammation surrounding the treatment site. Aside from slight redness, you should be able to return to life as usual the day after treatment.

Dissolve Double Chin in Miami, Florida
Are you ready to book an appointment with Luminance Aesthetics in Miami, Florida? Contact us by calling (786) 703-4954 or emailing us at bookings@luminanceaestheticsmiami.com. If you are ready to book an aesthetic treatment, reserve your appointment by selecting the link below.